Two August Girls

A Blog about reading and everything else.....

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Winter Doldrums Swap Contest

There are many people who ADORE receiving hand-knit or crochet items; but there are just as many who have no appreciation whatever of how much love, work, and time goes into a hand-made item. Share a story of a hand-made gift you gave to someone and how it worked out - good, bad, or ugly!
Funny you should ask such a question. It is actually my husband. He views knitting as a waste of time and begged me to never make him anything as tacky as a knitted object. It is not just my knitting it is even hand knitted stuff by flawless knitters. He mocks my projects with such comments as who would want hand knitted socks, they would be bumpy and ugly and uncomfortable. Again even the ones in the knitting store by professional. Yes he is an ASS. But he is my ass....
On the positive, the hat and washcloth were very well received by my friend Yvette and the shower guests so I felt very happy!!!


Anonymous said...

Boooo! Hissssss! that's just wrong. You can tell him I said so. :P

Knitting Keep Me sane said...

He may be your ass. But that is not very nice. I love him because he is my brother in law but your knitted items are awesome. I love them!!!!!! :)