Two August Girls

A Blog about reading and everything else.....

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Schools Out!!!

Schools out for the summer and while this has always made me so happy, my daughter is not as thrilled.  She is going to miss her phenomenal teacher, Ms. Pope.  She is one of the best teachers I have ever met ( believe me 10 years o f working in schools I have met a lot) and we were blessed that she was Katie's first introduction to school.  This has made all the difference!  Ms. Pope was born to teach and I have never seen a person with such a way with kids, they love her and she loves them. 

Here is Katie on her first day of kindergarten- age 5 years

Here is Katie today on her last day of kindergarten- age 5 years and 10 months

Principals List I am SOOOO Proud!  You go Katie!
All her babiness around her face is gone along with her front tooth!

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